Q: We in the Bay Area vote on everything transportation-related, such as tolls, taxes, fees, bonds, etc. But I can’t for the life of me remember seeing the creation of toll lanes on any ballot. Are these just being jammed down our throat?

We just got tricked into paying an extra 12 cents a gallon tax on gas, which is supposed to be used to better our freeways. The state had better not be using that 12-cent tax to construct these toll lanes, or I’ll really be angry.

Bruce Adami, Antioch

A: The 12-cent increase is earmarked mainly for road maintenance, but more express lanes are in the works. The legislature approved express lanes more than 15 years ago, giving local transportation agencies the green light to add them on Interstate 80, I-505, I-680, and I-880, plus highways 85, 101 and 237. Some of that will be funded by gas taxes plus federal grants and other sources.

Q: I’m guessing we’re not the only ones who have let too much time pass before starting the family car in the driveway. The 12-volt battery in our 2005 Prius already had shown signs of not being able to hold a charge before the coronavirus shutdown began.

But one day we went to start the car, and the battery was dead. We had AAA come out for a jump start and drove the car for just under an hour in an attempt to recharge it.

The next day, however, the battery showed no signs of life. We’re not ready to trade in the Prius, so we know we need to replace the battery.

So here’s the question: Should we do that as soon as possible, then be more diligent about starting the car? Is there some advantage to not having other parts of the engine sitting idle? Or should we wait until shelter in place comes to an end and replace it then? We have another car to run what few errands we have these days.

What say you, Scholar of the Superhighways?

David P., San Jose

A: Replace that battery now. Start the car once a month, which is plenty with a good battery.

You really want to circulate the oil in the car regularly. To do so, let it idle a minute or two. You never know when you’ll experience an emergency and need to use the car. And run the AC once a month at the same time.

Check your tires before you go anyplace. They’ll lose a pound or two per square inch every month. That’s normal and unavoidable. More than four psi down can damage or ruin a perfectly good tire.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat noon Wednesday at www.mercurynews.com/live-chats. Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com or 408-920-5335.